Support Us
CWBHOF is a Section 501C (3) tax organization for Federal Income Tax purposes.
Become a MEMBER of the Connecticut Women's Basketball Hall of Fame. $25.00 per year (May 1 to April 30) or $100.00-lifetime member. The success of the CWBHOF is a testament to the hard work and dedication not only of its founders and board of directors but, most importantly, of its members.
If you believe in our mission but don't need the benefits, your DONATION will make it possible for us to continue to honor those individuals who have contributed to the enhancement of women’s basketball in Connecticut.
If you are a business that values and supports Women's Sports, become a SPONSOR of the Connecticut Women's Basketball Hall of Fame. Your customers will appreciate your commitment.
CHARITABLE BEQUESTS to the Connecticut Women's Basketball Hall of Fame help to ensure that we may continue our goal of honoring individuals who have contributed to the enhancement of Connecticut women's basketball through their participation, service, support, or achievement. Please consider the Connecticut Women's Basketball Hall of Fame when making future plans.
Contributions to CWBHOF may be deductible for the person making the contribution. The CWBHOF recommends that a person should consult with his/her legal advisors as to the deductibility of the donation. If interested in supporting the Hall of Fame, use the secure, online payment buttons.
If you would prefer to speak to someone about donating, please contact Louise Albrecht at 203-256-0930.