Fraser, Edna
As with many of our nominees who participated in sports prior to Title IX, records of their accomplishments do not exist. Formal sports did not exist when Edna Fraser attended both West Haven High School and New Haven State Teachers’ College (now Southern Connecticut State University). Any sport offerings were informal. She took part in the occasional games arranged between schools in field hockey, softball and basketball.
After graduation from college, Fraser served on a number of Committees of the D.G.W S. (Division for Girls and Women’s Sports) which set the rules for those programs which did exist. She also served as chairperson of the Bridgeport DGWS and refereed in the Greater Bridgeport Area during this time.
Fraser coached basketball, softball and volleyball at Foran High School (Milford) and led the way to the adoption of varsity sports for girls in the Milford High School system.
In 1991, Fraser received an award from the New Haven Tap Off Club and was given the Connecticut Sportswriter’s Alliance Gold Key Award in 1996. She retired in 1992 as the Director of Athletics at Foran High School. In 1997 the town of Milford named the Foran High School Gymnasium in Fraser’s honor and in 1998 she was the first honorary recipient selected to the Connecticut Volleyball Hall of Fame.